Answer to Question 1
Rationale: YouTube is an appropriate e-learning (Web 2.0) technology for nursing students. An important aspect is the ability to network with fellow students who may be anywhere around the globe. In addition, nursing students can use different senses to understand content. Digital natives are characterized by their understanding of multimedia and sophisticated skill with computer technologies. They prefer multimedia and the multi-tasking it requires and are quite comfortable using technology. In light of the needs and preferences of this twenty-first century student, engaging these students and new employees requires the nurse educator to begin exploring the use of strategies like YouTube and Second life. YouTube is a place for people to engage in new ways with video by sharing, commenting on, and viewing videos (YouTube, 2007).
Answer to Question 2
Rationale: Knowledge discovery is defined as the non-trivial extraction of implicit, unknown, and potentially useful information from data. Data mining is a technique that uses software to look for hidden patterns and relationships in large groups of data. Data cleansing or scrubbing is a procedure that uses software to improve the quality of data to ensure that it is accurate enough for use in data mining and warehousing. Electronic data interchange streamlines the flow of clinical and financial data from one location to another.