Answer to Question 1
Explanation: 1. Effective delegation occurs when the delegator gives specific information to the delegate about
the requested task. The nurses request was not specific enough. The nurse has ultimate
responsibility to ensure the client is ready for discharge, which includes packing their
belongings as necessary. The nurse also has authority to ask for the assistance, but does not
need to go with the assistant to ensure the task is completed.
Answer to Question 2
Rationale 1: Nurses are knowledge workers, but this is not the reason many view power as unattractive.
Rationale 2: The idea of having power over someone or power-grabbing is oppressive. Many nurses hold this view of power.
Rationale 3: Having power with others is not perceived as unattractive by nurses, but having power over others is.
Rationale 4: Power increases self-esteem.
Global Rationale: