Answer to Question 1
Correct Answer: 5, 4, 2, 1, 3
Prochaska and DiClemente proposed five stages in the process of change, as follows. (1) Precontemplation, the person is not thinking about change, nor is he or she interested in information about a proposed change. (2) Contemplation, the person is willing to consider a change and obtains information about the proposed change. (3) Preparation, the person sees that advantages outweigh disadvantages of making the proposed change and makes specific plans for implementation of the change. (4) Action, the change is implemented and new behaviors are adopted. (5) Maintenance, the change is fully integrated into the system. Support systems are implemented to maintain the change, and problems associated with the change are discussed and resolved.
Answer to Question 2
Correct Answer: 2
In focus charting, data are organized according to data (D), nursing action (A), and client response (R). This form of charting often uses flow sheets. PIE charting stands for problems, interventions, and evaluations, and may or may not include use of flow sheets. CORE charting focuses on the nursing process, which is the core of the documentation and may or may not use flow sheets. Source-oriented narrative records allow each provider to document in a separate section or sections of the client's record. This type of documentation is highly narrative in nature and may or may not include use of flow sheets.