Answer to Question 1
Rationale 1: Likert scales are best utilized to measure feelings or attitudes.
Rationale 2: Physiologic measures are used to collect data about physical states such as pulse, blood pressure, and oxygen concentration. Although these parameters may change when the client is in pain, there are numerous other variables that could also affect them.
Rationale 3: A semantic differential asks subjects to indicate their attitude about a concept along a continuum.
Rationale 4: A visual analog scale asks subjects to mark a point on a line scale that indicates their experience about that phenomenon.
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Answer to Question 2
Rationale 1: Respondents in an observation are known to the researcher; they are not anonymous.
Rationale 2: Observation allows the researcher to visualize and record an event as it occurs.
Rationale 3: Subjects may become anxious during an observation, and this would be a disadvantage.
Rationale 4: An observation is a more time-consuming data collection technique than an interview.
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