Answer to Question 1
Ans: A
According to Skinner (1953), health behaviors are seen as incremental steps toward a final goal. In the learning model, the nurse establishes and reinforces a goal and rewards the client for partial accomplishment, if necessary. Incremental increases are then made as the pattern of behavior is shaped toward a specific goal. Reinforcement is used to motivate the client to either continue or discontinue a behavior. Giving rewards for a lower blood sugar level and a food diary that reflects moderate dietary compliance is the best example of implementing a learning model of behavior change. Punishment and enforcing a strict timeline do not provide positive reinforcement and thus are not good examples of the learning model. Lowering the requirements of the goal is also not a good example of this model, as the goal should not change.
Answer to Question 2
Ans: A, B, C
The health belief model, developed by Hochbaum (1956) and Rosenstock (1974), specifies that individual, family, or community health-related behavior depends on (1) the severity of the potential illness or physical challenge, (2) the level of conceivable susceptibility, (3) the benefits of taking preventive action, and (4) what stands in the way of taking action toward the goal of health promotion. This model uses cues as an important way to remind people of healthy behaviors and to promote these actions. A strong team leader and persuasion are not integral parts of the health belief model.