Which of the following are accurate statements about the interview process used by qualitative researchers? (Select all that apply.)
a. It is sufficient to develop interviewing skills once the interviewing of study participants begins since the qualitative research process involves co-construction of data; learning to interview is part of the process the researcher is expected to experience once data collection begins so that the interviewer enters the study without bias or preconceived ideas.
b. When participants appear to begin speaking about a subject that seems unrelated to the focus of the study, an effective strategy is to ask obtain the respondent's perspective by asking how the new subject is related to his/her previous comments.
c. The interviewer should dress in either business attire or a nursing uniform when conducing interviews or focus groups.
d. When a study participant appears to be fatigued or in pain from illness or treatments, the interviewer should offer to stop the interview, to take a break, or to reschedule for another day.
Question 2
Which of the following are true statements regarding data analysis in qualitative research? (Select all that apply.)
a. Qualitative data analysis involves examining and interpreting data in order to elicit meaning, gain understanding, and develop empirical knowledge.
b. Although qualitative data analysis may identify additional data that may need to be collected, once the data collection period is over, the researcher is discouraged from going back to participants to gather additional information.
c. Data analysis in qualitative research occurs concurrently with data collection.
d. Researchers are encouraged to dwell with the data by immersing themselves in transcripts, tapes, and interview notes to make sense not only of what participants have said but also of meanings underlying expressions, emphasis, and nonverbal communications.