What was the controversy involved in WHO's attempts to fight HIV infections?
A. Providing free condoms to sex workers (i.e., men and women who trade sex for money)
B. Giving free or low-cost generic medications to HIV-positive persons, which violates pharmaceutical patents
C. Putting good business practices before caring for people
D. Saving children who will be orphans with no one to care for them
E. Trying to care for people who are stigmatized and not wanted by anyone
Question 2
For what reasons is tuberculosis, a leading cause of infectious-disease deaths, a serious health problem? Select all that apply.
A. Each active case infects an average of 10 to 15 other people.
B. It is a social stigma to receive treatment for tuberculosis.
C. The death rate is quite high (25) in some countries.
D. So many cases are occurring in developed countries (such as the United States).
E. The reservoir for tuberculosis is the female Anopheles mosquito, endemic in Africa.
F. Tuberculosis is becoming resistant to chemotherapy.