Answer to Question 1
Answer: An ideal response will:
1. Explain the distinction between a one-party system and a two-party system.
2. Trace the progression of Republican electoral success beginning no later than the election of Bill Clements as governor in 1978. Ideally, a student will also mention the earlier election of John Tower to the U.S. Senate. As part of this, students should note changes in majority status in legislative chambers, sweeps of statewide offices, change in majority status in U.S. congressional delegation, etc.
3. Explain that Republican electoral success has been a top-down process.
4. Explain the growth of Republican Party identification in the electorate.
5. Explain the roles of national parties and policies (e.g., civil rights, social welfare programs), influence within the Texas Democratic Party (growth of minorities and liberals), migration to Texas of Republicans from other states, and Republican Party organizational strength in the growth of the Republican Party.
Answer to Question 2
Answer: An ideal response will:
1. Identify actions of the administration of Governor Edmund Davis, and reactions to the Civil War and to Reconstruction, as sources of strong anti-Republican sentiment and the establishment of Democratic dominance.
2. Explain V. O. Key's argument about the role of modified class politics in promoting dominance by conservative Democrats.
3. Explain the use of legislation such as poll taxes, voter registration laws, and the white primary to maintain control.
4. Explain the distinction between minority and majority parties in government and how it created disincentives for Democrats to become Republicans even in the face of factionalism.
5. Explain that lessening of anti-Republican sentiment required some generational turnover/replacement.