Answer to Question 1
Answer: An ideal response will:
1. Note that homelessness is a large, complex problem with multiple causes, suggesting the need for involvement by multiple agencies.
2. Identify policy areas relevant to the problem of homelessness and agencies with jurisdiction in these areas. For instance, solving the homelessness problem requires addressing issues related to employment opportunities, housing, education, and health care, among others. This likely requires the involvement of the Department of Labor, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Education, and the Department of Health and Human Services.
3. Identify one or more challenges that the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness is likely to encounter, including the sheer difficulty of coordinating across multiple departments and agencies and the fact that agency representatives might not share the same views about the causes of homelessness or the priority the problem should be given.
Answer to Question 2
Answer: An ideal response will:
1. Define administrative discretion as the ability of federal bureaucrats to make choices concerning the best way to implement congressional or presidential intentions.
2. If they should have discretion, explain why discretion is a good thing. For example, discretion may serve public interest, especially in the case of regulatory commissions that exercise authority independently of the president and Congress. These agencies, such as the Federal Reserve Board, may need to be insulated from political pressure to make balanced or far-sighted decisions. Explain how much discretion is appropriate.
3. If they should not have discretion, explain why discretion should be avoided. For example, note that administrative discretion may negatively affect democratic accountability because civil service employees make important policy decisions, yet they are not directly accountable to the public via the electoral process. Explain how the implementation process could be designed to prevent administrative discretion.
4. Take a position on the appropriateness of bureaucratic discretion in light of these competing perspectives.