Answer to Question 1
Without an adequate assessment, medications can exacerbate a problem. Denial and regression may be necessary to enable an older person to cope with underlying stressors. Depression, de-mentia, disease, and medications can produce anxious behavior, and the resultant anxiety can be manifested in a similar manner, regardless of the cause. Compulsive rituals can be a way of cop-ing with challenges leading to anxiety.
Answer to Question 2
A Incorrect. Unlike children, abused elders cannot be removed from situations without their permission. Helping the daughter deal with the situational stress would be more effective.
B Incorrect. This solution can help the daughter learn more effective and harmless ways of solving problems, but it does not address the short-term crisis.
C Correct. By relieving the daughter of some responsibilities, respite care is likely to be beneficial for the older adult and his daughter because it can help to reduce tension.
D Incorrect. This measure may eventually be necessary, but it would be better to improve the living situation within the patient's family.