Author Question: The geriatric nurse recognizes that the body's homeostatic mechanisms may be compromised in the ... (Read 155 times)


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The geriatric nurse recognizes that the body's homeostatic mechanisms may be compromised in the
  a. 79-year-old with moderate Alzheimer disease who requires assistance with all activities of daily living (ADLs).
  b. 73-year-old with a history of chronic bronchitis who lives with family.
  c. 86-year-old who lost a spouse and is moving into an assisted living facility.
  d. 69-year-old with peripheral vascular dis-ease who is visited by home health care weekly.

Question 2

The nurse studying the history of gerontologic nursing learns which information about the specialty? (Select all that apply.)
  a. The number of older Americans is dimi-nishing.
  b. The geriatric nursing conference group was established in 1962.
  c. The gerontologic clinical nurse specialist certification was offered in 1989.
  d. There were no writings about the care of older persons until World War II.
  e. The first Standards of Practice for Geria-tric Nursing was written in 1969.


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Answer to Question 1

Declining physiologic function and increased prevalence of disease, particularly in the old-old (age 85 or older), are in part a result of a reduction in the body's ability to respond to stress through all of its homeostatic mechanisms. The important point is that older adults often en-counter profound and repeated losses; the time between the occurrences of these losses is often short, resulting in an inadequate period for resolution and return to a baseline state, thus putting them at risk for illness. Although the other patients may have compromised homeostatic me-chanisms, the 86-year-old patient is most likely to exhibit this phenomenon.

Answer to Question 2

B, C, E
The geriatric nursing conference group was established in 1962, the gerontologic clinical nurse specialist certification was first offered in 1989, and the first Standards of Practice for Geriatric Nursing was written in 1969 . The population of older Americans is the fastest-growing subset of the population. Writings about care of the aged can be found from as early as 1900.

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