Which one of the following best illustrates cognitive modeling?
a. A science teacher thinks aloud, How can I determine what makes this pendulum swing fast or slowly? Hmm, I'll change the amount of weight on the bottom, but I need to keep the length the same so I'll know that any change in speed isn't due to length.
b. A dance teacher carefully describes every movement that students should make when doing a country line dance to the Boot Scootin' Boogie.
c. A Spanish teacher has students practice rolling their Rs by asking them to repeat this tongue twister over and over: Erre con erre cigarro, erre con erre barril. Rpido corren los carros del ferrocarril.
d. After showing his students how to use a jigsaw correctly and safely, an industrial arts teacher has them practice using the saw by constructing pig-shaped cutting boards they can bring home as gifts for Mother's Day.
Question 2
Which one of the following is an example of vicarious reinforcement?
a. Alice notices that her friend Ellen gets extra attention from the teacher when she acts helpless. Alice begins to act helpless as well.
b. Bill knows that he will get a higher grade if he turns in a research paper that is typed rather than handwritten, but he turns in a handwritten paper anyway.
c. Connie sees her friend Maria scolded for chewing gum in class. She quickly takes her own gum out of her mouth.
d. David sees how Justin gets good grades when he works hard on his mathematics homework, but David doesn't want to work that hard.