During a Police Academy class, the instructor began, If you were called to an automobile accident with the chief of police in one car and the mayor in the other carthen suddenly you looked up to the top floor of a high-rise building across the street and saw a man standing on the railingthen you looked down the street and saw several fire trucks were desperately fighting a fire in the courthousewhat would you do under these circumstances?
One of the new recruits answered, I'd remove my uniform and mingle with the crowd.
The purpose of the story is
a. to evaluate answers to questions asked in the Police Academy class.
b. to inform the reader that not all police recruits are brave.
c. to entertain the reader with a story about a police recruit.
The tone of the story is
a. humorous. b. informative. c. gloomy.
Question 2
As we change, the Internet changes. The Internet is a worldwide work- in-progress. It is our duty to promote positive change, but we must at all times recognize that it will continue to shape us as individuals and as a society. In time, this information medium, like its predecessors, newspapers, radio, and television, will be taken for granted like the air we breathe. It's incumbent upon us to ensure that we continue to breathe clean air, both in the real world and in cyberspace.
The purpose of the paragraph is
a. to warn the reader that the Internet will eventually be taken for granted.
b. to criticize how the Internet is constantly changing our lives.
c. to persuade the reader to strive to ensure that the Internet
continues to be a positive medium.
The tone of the paragraph is
a. persuasive. b. critical. c. concerned.