Answer to Question 1
A child with a parent who has the HD gene has a 50-50 chance of inheriting the gene. Only children who inherit the gene will develop the disease. Only children who inherit the gene can pass on the gene to the next generation. All children who inherit the gene eventually will develop HD. The age of onset varies, although symptoms generally do not appear until the person is older than 30 years.
Answer to Question 2
Hemovac is used to drain the expected bloody drainage of a postmastectomy wound. EnzySurge and VariCare are wound irrigation systems. Fibracol is a commercially prepared special wound dressing, and is not used for wound drainage.
Answer to Question 3
When providing home care to a client, a nurse should fill out all the necessary documents and submit them to the care-providing agency. Based on the submitted documents, the agency will be reimbursed the amount for providing service to the client. All nurses, in general, should have knowledge of the rights of the client receiving care from the agency. A nurse providing care is expected to understand and respect the client's rights, but the nurse's knowledge will not ensure that the agency will be paid. A home care nurse should get along well with the client's family members, but this is not a criterion necessary to obtain reimbursement. Nurses providing home care should document all the teachings provided to the client and family members and procedures followed when caring for a client. This helps the agency in monitoring the efficiency and duties of the nurses. But these documents will not help in obtaining reimbursement for the services unless they are submitted to the third-party payor.