Answer to Question 1
Ans: C
In case of a state board of nursing audit to determine if the nurse has completed the required continuing education, the nurse should maintain copies of all of the actual certificates of proof of attending or completing the activity. The nurse's name should be included on the certificate and the date of the educational activity and the official state board of nursing approval number and learning objectives are included on the certificate. The other items are all important to maintain in order to keep the resume up-to-date, meet requirements of the job, and recognize if the continuing education requirements have been met or not. The handouts or materials from an educational offering offer no proof to the state board of nursing that the continuing education was completed or credit was awarded.
Answer to Question 2
Ans: B
Along with proper hand washing, using alcohol-based hand sanitizer, and using standard precautions, the nurse's best safe guard for helping to prevent the spread of emerging contagious diseases is to ask the client if he/she or someone they are close to has recently traveled outside of the country in the past couple of months, and if so what country and when. The client may have been exposed to the illness and may not immediately show signs and symptoms, but be contagious and spread the illness. The CDC may not have updated the Web site in time to warn the staff of an emerging illness, or may not have any cases reported as of yet, so the nurse's hospital may be the first hospital to experience an emerging contagious disease. Isolating all clients is impractical and costly, plus it decreases the ability for the nurseclient relationship to adequately occur with if all possible personal protective equipment is used.