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Author Question: In recent years, many educators have spoken of the first few years of life as being a critical ... (Read 51 times)


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In recent years, many educators have spoken of the first few years of life as being a critical period for brain development, in large part because much synaptogenesis, synaptic pruning, and myelination occur during this time. They have therefore suggested that infants, toddlers, and young preschoolers should be immersed in many stimulating activities that provide a foundation for reading, writing, arithmetic, and other basic skills. Respond to their line of reasoning by answering the following questions:
  a. What roles do synaptogenesis, synaptic pruning, and myelination each play in brain development?
  b. Is formal education that begins at age 5 or 6 too late? Justify your response using what you have learned about brain development.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

Which one of the following conclusions is most warranted from research on brain development?
  a. It is essential that children begin studying basic mathematics and science in the preschool years.
  b. Educators and counselors should interpret lack of impulse control in children over six years old as a sign of a significant delay in brain development.
  c. The ability to think abstractly depends on the development of many synaptic connections during the first two years of life.
  d. Educational experiences can affect students' cognitive development throughout the elementary and secondary school years.

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Answer to Question 1

Responses to the two parts of the question are as follows:
a. Synaptogenesis is a genetically driven process in which neurons spontaneously form a great many connections (synapses) with one another. Following on the heels of synaptogenesis is synaptic pruning, in which many of the previously formed but seldom used synapses fade away; this process helps the brain function more efficiently. In the process of myelination, many neurons acquire a fatty coating (myelin) that increases the speed and efficiency with which they can transmit messages to other neurons.
b. Some formal, systematic education may be appropriate for some young children, depending on their temperaments, social skills, and other factors. However, early years without formal education are not necessarily lost years. Often informal play and experimentation are just as beneficial as (and sometimes more beneficial than) formal instruction. The brain (especially the cortex) continues to develop in important ways throughout childhood and adolescence. For instance, considerable synaptic pruning occurs during middle childhood, and some pruning and myelination continue even into adulthood. The brain remains adaptable and able to learn throughout childhood and adolescence.

Answer to Question 2



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Reply 2 on: Jun 20, 2018
YES! Correct, THANKS for helping me on my review


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Reply 3 on: Yesterday
Wow, this really help


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