Author Question: Mr. P begins calling out loudly in his room. He sees spiders and he has the sensation that the walls ... (Read 41 times)


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Mr. P begins calling out loudly in his room. He sees spiders and he has the sensation that the walls are closing in on him.
  The nurse practitioner orders an antipsychotic injection stat for Mr. P. Further data collection shows he has not been eating his meals and one of his buddies has been bringing alcohol to Mr. P in the evening. You suspect a severe drug interaction. Your communication to Mr. P includes: (SELECT ALL ANSWERS THAT APPLY)
  A) Mr. P, it is dangerous to drink alcohol while taking these medications.
  B) Mr. P, who brought you the alcohol? That friend may not visit again.
  C) Mr. P, if you do that again, you will be transferred to the locked unit.
  D) Mr. P, for your safety and that of others in the unit, I will need to let the doctor know about this incident.
  E) Mr. P, if you had been eating your meals, you would not have had such a reaction to the alcohol.
  F) Mr. P, from now on, you may not have visitors unless a nurse is also present.

Question 2

A teenaged client talks about running away if the client is discharged back to the parent's home.
  The nurse is processing with the client, asking, What makes you think you can take care of yourself? Do you feel this is a good idea? What if you run out of money? How will you survive? How will you get back and forth to school? This nurse is: A) Helping the client explore consequences. B) Using ineffective communication.
  C) Using effective communication. D) Encouraging a plan of action.


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Answer to Question 1

A, D

Answer to Question 2


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