Label the parts of the following nursing diagnosis statement: Activity Intolerance related to prolonged bed rest A.M.B. increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure with activity, statements of weakness, and dyspnea with exertion.
1) diagnostic label or problem
2) etiology
3) cues or defining characteristics
____ 1. Activity Intolerance
____ 2. Prolonged bed rest
____ 3. Increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure with activity, statements of weakness, dyspnea with exertion
Question 2
The patient shows the necessary defining characteristics, and the nurse has diagnosed Decisional Conflict related to unclear personal values and beliefs. What essential action should the nurse take to help ensure the accuracy of this diagnosis?
1) Ask a more experienced nurse to confirm it.
2) Have a social worker interview the patient.
3) Ask the patient to confirm the diagnosis.
4) Read about Decisional Conflict in the NANDA handbook.