Answer to Question 1
ANS: 4
The framework for practice according to Martha Rogers' theory is the unitary human continu-ously changing and coexisting with the environment.
Nightingale's theory includes manipulation of the client's environment (i.e., appropriate noise, nutrition, hygiene, light, comfort, socialization, and hope) in the framework for practice.
Abdellah's nursing theory includes 21 nursing problems within 4 major client needs in the framework for practice.
Johnson's theory includes seven categories of behavior and behavioral balance in the framework for practice.
Answer to Question 2
ANS: 3
Stress reduction is the goal of the systems model of nursing practice according to Neuman's the-ory.
Parse's theory focuses on indivisible beings and the environment co-creating health.
Peplau's theory focuses on the interpersonal process as the maturing force for personality.
Orlando's theory focuses on the interpersonal process to alleviate distress.