Answer to Question 1
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1: Anticoagulant therapy must be prescribed by a physician.
Rationale 2: Coughing every 2 hours will reduce the client's risk of developing pneumonia or atelectasis.
Rationale 3: Measuring intake and output every 2 hours assesses the client's renal function.
Rationale 4: Early ambulation, leg exercises, antiembolic stockings, SCDs, and adequate fluid intake are all interventions to reduce the risk for thrombophlebitis.
Answer to Question 2
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1: A pregnancy test is done on all female clients of childbearing age.
Rationale 2: An electroencephalogra m is not considered a routine preoperative diagnostic test.
Rationale 3: An electrocardiogram is done on all clients over 40 years of age and/or clients with preexisting cardiac conditions.
Rationale 4: Pulmonary function tests are not routine preoperative diagnostic tests.