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Author Question: The nurse is planning client care while keeping in mind Orem's self-care deficit theory. Which ... (Read 249 times)


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The nurse is planning client care while keeping in mind Orem's self-care deficit theory. Which methods of helping should the nurse include when determining the best care for the client?
  1. Balancing rest
  2. Teaching
  3. Supporting
  4. Guiding
  5. Preventing hazards to life

Question 2

After completing a health history the nurse reviews the content to determine metaparadigms that contribute to the client's health. Which metaparadigm should the nurse categorize as being a part of the client's environment?
  1. Diet
  2. Family
  3. Friends
  4. Blood pressure
  5. Significant others

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Answer to Question 1

Correct Answer: 2, 3, 4, 5
Rationale 1: Balancing rest and preventing hazards to life are part of the universal requisites of Orem's self-care needs.
Rationale 2: Orem's self-care deficit theory explains not only when nursing is needed, but also how people can be assisted through methods of helping that include teaching.
Rationale 3: Orem's self-care deficit theory explains not only when nursing is needed, but also how people can be assisted through methods of helping that include supporting.
Rationale 4: Orem's self-care deficit theory explains not only when nursing is needed, but also how people can be assisted through methods of helping that include guiding.
Rationale 5: Preventing hazards to life is part of the universal requisites of Orem's self-care needs.

Answer to Question 2

Correct Answer: 2, 3, 5

Rationale 1: Health is the degree of wellness or well-being that the client experiences. This can be measured by diet and blood pressure.

Rationale 2: The environment is the internal and external surroundings that affect the client. This includes people in the physical environment, such as families, friends, and significant others.

Rationale 3: The environment is the internal and external surroundings that affect the client. This includes people in the physical environment, such as families, friends, and significant others.

Rationale 4: Health is the degree of wellness or well-being that the client experiences. This can be measured by diet and blood pressure.

Rationale 5: The environment is the internal and external surroundings that affect the client. This includes people in the physical environment, such as families, friends, and significant others.


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Reply 2 on: Jul 23, 2018
Great answer, keep it coming :)


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Reply 3 on: Yesterday
Wow, this really help


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