Author Question: The nurse is using the central concepts of nursing when providing client care. What actions is this ... (Read 68 times)


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The nurse is using the central concepts of nursing when providing client care. What actions is this nurse performing?
  1. Including a client's family in discussions regarding the client's discharge health needs
  2. Assessing a physically dependent client's spouse for indications of caregiver stress
  3. Asking clients to define what healthy and well means to them
  4. Suggesting wound care supplies with the priority of cost
  5. Advocating for a client who is not responding to current pain control treatment

Question 2

The nurse is implementing Watson's Assumptions of Caring philosophy. Which actions demonstrate that the nurse is using this philosophy?
  1. Asking the client to explain the impact that his culture and religion will have on required nursing care
  2. Asking clients when they prefer to be given the opportunity to bathe
  3. Feeling empathy toward the client's loss of mobility as a result of a fractured hip
  4. Always assuring that the client has an unobstructed view out his room's window
  5. Arranging to fulfill a client's request to stay with him during a painful diagnostic test


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Answer to Question 1

Correct Answer: 1, 2, 3, 5
Rationale: One of the recognized central concepts of nursing is that the recipients of nursing care include individuals, families, groups, and communities.

Answer to Question 2

Correct Answer: 2, 3, 5
Rationale 1: This is more relevant to Leininger's Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory.
Rationale 2: Watson proposes that a caring environment offers the development of potential while allowing the person to choose the best action for the self at a given point in time.
Rationale 3: Watson proposes that human caring in nursing is not just an emotion, concern, attitude, or benevolent desire. Caring connotes a personal response such as empathy.
Rationale 4: This is more relevant to Roy's Adaptation Model.
Rationale 5: Watson proposes that caring occasions involve action and choice by nurse and client. If the caring occasion is transpersonal, the limits of openness expand, as do human capacities.

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