Answer to Question 1
Rationale 1: Epinephrine is not an analgesic.
Rationale 2: Laceration repair is painful and should not be done without anesthesia.
Rationale 3: Topical application would not be sufficient analgesia for repair of a deep laceration.
Rationale 4: Epinephrine extends the time anesthesia is present because it causes vasoconstriction which slows the rate of distribution. It is not necessary for effective anesthesia and is contraindicated in those with severe cardiovascular disorders.
Global Rationale:. Epinephrine extends the time anesthesia is present because it causes vasoconstriction which slows the rate of distribution. It is not necessary for effective anesthesia and is contraindicated in those with severe cardiovascular disorders. Epinephrine is not an analgesic. Laceration repair is painful and should not be done without anesthesia. Topical application would not be sufficient analgesia for repair of a deep laceration.
Answer to Question 2
Rationale 1: The three categories of blood loss are hemorrhage, increased erythrocyte destruction, and impaired erythrocyte production.
Rationale 2: Anemia is not caused by too much caffeine.
Rationale 3: Anemia is not caused by heart failure or fluid overload.
Rationale 4: A well-balanced vegetarian diet will not result in anemia.
Global Rationale: The three categories of blood loss are hemorrhage, increased erythrocyte destruction, and impaired erythrocyte production. Anemia is not caused by too much caffeine, heart failure, or fluid overload. A well-balanced vegetarian diet will not result in anemia.