Author Question: The time to complete an exam for a randomly chosen student in a textiles class is a normal random ... (Read 85 times)


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The time to complete an exam for a randomly chosen student in a textiles class is a normal random variable with a mean of 50 minutes and a standard deviation of 10 minutes. At what time will 75 of the class have finished the exam? (i.e. What is the 75th percentile of the distribution?)

Question 2

The WISC scores (similar to IQ test scores) of a sample of n = 20 5th graders will be used to create a 99 confidence interval for the mean WISC score of all 5th graders. What is the correct t multiplier for this interval?
 a. 2.86
  b. 3.55
  c. 2.54
  d. 2.85


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Answer to Question 1

56.7 minutes

Answer to Question 2


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