Identify the style trait that is not reflective of Renaissance music.
a. Instruments reign supreme; tone color dominated by the violin, harpsichord,
and organ
b. Musical texture is mainly polyphonic with an emphasis on imitative
c. Duple meter as common as triple meter; while rhythm in sacred music is
relaxed and without strong downbeats, that used in secular music is usually
lively and catchy
d. The triad, a consonant chord, becomes the basic building block of harmony
e. Melody is mainly stepwise within a moderately narrow range; some intense
chromaticism found in madrigals at the end of the period
Question 2Identify the answer that lists representative composers from the Renaissance.
a. Corelli, Mouret, Vivaldi
b. Josquin, Palestrina, Weelkes
c. Bizet, Dvok, Puccini
d. Machaut, Hildegard of Bingen, Countess of Dia
e. Monteverdi, Pachelbel, Lully