If a friend of yours is trying to get you to remember some funny event that happened when you were out together, which of these questions will be most effective in helping you retrieve the memory?
a) Do you remember August 7th?
b) Do you remember that time we were with Emily?
c) Do you remember that time at the coffee shop?
d) Do you remember that time we went antiquing in Stillwater?
Question 2
Casasonto and Dijkstra had participants recall autobiographical memories while moving marbles in an upward or downward direction. They found that:
a) when moving marbles upward, participants were more likely to recall relatively positive memories; when
moving them downward, they were more likely to recall relatively negative memories.
b) when moving marbles upward, participants were more likely to recall relatively negative memories; when
moving them downward, they were more likely to recall relatively positive memories.
c) when moving marbles upward, participants were more likely to recall relatively recent memories; when
moving them downward, they were more likely to recall relatively remote memories.
d) when moving marbles upward, participants were more likely to recall relatively remote memories; when
moving them downward, they were more likely to recall relatively recent memories.