Answer to Question 1
As a school professional what questions or concerns might you consider when creating a design used to
measure a student's skills and/or progress?
Are the questions based on solving novel or interesting problems? Is a key for scoring each essay question
created prior to grading?
Do the test questions measure knowledge & skills over key elements of the curriculum?
Are the test questions unambiguous?
Does each test question evaluate a single idea or concept?
Do essay questions evaluate higher-order thinking (application, synthesis or evaluation)?
Answer to Question 2
Describe the difference between quantitative and qualitative assessment.
Quantitative measurement includes computing percentages based on the ratio of correct responses to the total
number of possible responses and the use of scoring devices such as rubrics for judging the quality of a
product or performance. This kind of information helps to track progress. Qualitative assessment includes
making judgments about the meaning of the errors and interpretations of tasks that individual students
make. Interviews and conferences about student work are examples of qualitative approaches to measuring
student growth.