Answer to Question 1
Students should provide a brief description of perception, attention, memory, metacognition, or organization. The following thumbnail sketches are provided to guide the interpretation of the answer.
Perception is the ability to interpret experiences and organize and utilize this input in a meaningful way.
Attention is critical for learning. Coming to attention, maintaining attention, and attending to appropriate aspects of a task are worth mentioning.
Discussion of memory will include short-term and long-term aspects. Variables of encoding data for short-term storage, retention in short-term for long-term storage, and access of long-term memory would be included here.
Metacognition and organization are closely related factors associated with learning disabilities. Monitoring and effectively using strategies, one of which is organization, are essential for learning. Weaknesses in any aspect of these detract from learning.
Answer to Question 2
An introductory or closing statement/disclaimer about the speculative nature of this discussion would be very appropriate. The point: Evidence about specific causes of learning disabilities is in dispute.
Internal factors associated with learning disabilities tend to be brain related and can be a function of developmental delays, genetic structure, and teratogenic reactions in utero. Variables like diet, chemicals in the environment, and additives have been implicated by a variety of researchers. Students might cite the Feingold diet as an example.
Learning style and home life might be variables that influence a students ability to be successful in school. These factors are associated with motivation, instructional methods, and matching instruction to student needs.