During the Great Depression, Crisis editor W. E. B. Du Bois:
A) continued to support the NAACP's legal strategy for bringing about an end to discrimination.
B) embraced the Communist party as the only Americans willing to defend the Scottsboro boys.
C) had the growing conviction that the NAACP needed to shift its direction to combat both economic deprivation and racial discrimination.
D) withdrew from public life in order to study the impact of the economic dislocations on black communities.
Question 2
The idea of women as naturally lusty dominated the colonial period
A) and peaked in the late 1800s.
B) and was borne out by an increase in the 1800s of premarital pregnancies.
C) but gave way to images of women as asexual.
D) but was replaced in the 1800s by ideas of innocence and chastity.