Author Question: With regards to dealing with admission by silence, the courts have established some guidelines for ... (Read 202 times)


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With regards to dealing with admission by silence, the courts have established some guidelines for evaluation of such. Which of the following requirements is not usually considered:
  a. The presence of physical or emotional impediments
  b. The absence of existing relationships, which may lessen the likelihood of confrontation
  c. The statement itself be of such a nature that if untrue would demand a denial
  d. The person to whom the admission by silence is inferred must have heard and understood the statement in question including a demonstration that the listening party had knowledge of the subject matter.

Question 2

Which of the following would be a form of disablement?
  a. Committing a sex offender in a secure psychiatric hospital
  b. Removing the hands of a thief
  c. Removing a public official from office
   d. All of the above


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Answer to Question 1


Answer to Question 2


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