Why is rubber heated with sulfur more elastic than natural rubber?
A) The polymer molecules do not rearrange because they are locked in place.
B) The polymer molecules change shape and look more like a spring.
C) The sulfur breaks the polymer chains into shorter structures.
D) The sulfur solidifies inside the rubber so the molecules cannot move past the sulfur domains.
E) all of the above
Question 2
Sometimes an individual going through a traumatic experience cannot stop hyperventilating.
In such a circumstance, it is recommended that the individual breath into a paper bag or cupped hands as a useful way to avoid an increase in blood pH, which can cause the person to pass out. Explain how this works. A) Carbon dioxide initially exhaled is reinhaled to help maintain adequate levels of carbonic acid in the blood.
B) It helps to slow their breathing down to prevent excess oxygen from entering the blood.
C) The paper absorbs C to prevent the accumulation of excess C in the blood.
D) The paper bag helps to retain the water vapor leaving the mouth to prevent an increase in the concentration of lactic acid in the body.