Answer to Question 1
Answer to Question 2
ANSWER: Books should be age and developmentally appropriate.
Select books for enjoyment.
Select books that encourage a childs capacity for laughter.
Choose durable books since books are to be handled and used by children. Select books with different styles of illustrations.
Consider the length of the story. Pick books that appeal to children and relate to their experiences.
Choose books that have an appealing story and style. Children like sound, rhythm, and repetition in their stories.
Avoid overly frightening, confusing stories.
Offer children a variety of writing styles and languages, especially those spoken by children, families and staff in the child care program or school.
Choose books that appeal to a young childs senses. Enjoyment is found in books with descriptive words that make children taste, smell, and feel, as well as see and hear. Use literature as a stimulus for activities that require children to use their senses in discovery or exploration.
Pick books that help children develop positive self-esteem by emphasizing the capabilities children have.
Share books that promote feelings of security.
Choose books that show characters seeing themselves positively.
Select books in which characters show emotions common to young children. Read several books on the same topic to provide more than one perspective. Introduce books that will expand vocabulary.
Present books that reinforce concepts already being acquired. Select books that may help clarify misconceptions.
Select stories that have a plot in which there is action; for example, stories that tell what people did and what they said.
Enrich a childs experiences with literature by providing poetry selections and books of