Did you know?

Less than one of every three adults with high LDL cholesterol has the condition under control. Only 48.1% with the condition are being treated for it.

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As many as 20% of Americans have been infected by the fungus known as Histoplasmosis. While most people are asymptomatic or only have slight symptoms, infection can progress to a rapid and potentially fatal superinfection.

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To maintain good kidney function, you should drink at least 3 quarts of water daily. Water dilutes urine and helps prevent concentrations of salts and minerals that can lead to kidney stone formation. Chronic dehydration is a major contributor to the development of kidney stones.

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After 5 years of being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, one every three patients will no longer be able to work.

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Although puberty usually occurs in the early teenage years, the world's youngest parents were two Chinese children who had their first baby when they were 8 and 9 years of age.

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