Did you know?

More than 50% of American adults have oral herpes, which is commonly known as "cold sores" or "fever blisters." The herpes virus can be active on the skin surface without showing any signs or causing any symptoms.

Did you know?

The top 10 most important tips that will help you grow old gracefully include (1) quit smoking, (2) keep your weight down, (3) take supplements, (4) skip a meal each day or fast 1 day per week, (5) get a pet, (6) get medical help for chronic pain, (7) walk regularly, (8) reduce arguments, (9) put live plants in your living space, and (10) do some weight training.

Did you know?

In the United States, an estimated 50 million unnecessary antibiotics are prescribed for viral respiratory infections.

Did you know?

Although puberty usually occurs in the early teenage years, the world's youngest parents were two Chinese children who had their first baby when they were 8 and 9 years of age.

Did you know?

Cancer has been around as long as humankind, but only in the second half of the twentieth century did the number of cancer cases explode.

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