Question 1
How did the introduction of foreign plants and animals alter the Western environment?
A) A lack of predators allowed them to spread rapidly and disrupt the ecosystem.
B) Many of the new animal species decimated the native buffalo population.
C) The introduction of cheatgrass from Asia harmed livestock that grazed on it.
D) New water plants choked and poisoned river systems.
Question 2
What common factor did all of the environmental disasters shown on this map share?
A) They were isolated incidents occurring either in the Northeast or the West.
B) They were all caused by the oil industry.
C) They were not covered adequately by the media.
D) They were all man-made disasters.
Question 3
How did this commemorative plate depicting the execution of King Louis XVI during the French Revolution affect American views of this uprising?
A) American support for the French Revolution cut across partisan allegiances.
B) Republicans found this uprising too violent and withdrew their support.
C) Federalists believed that the violence associated with the French Revolution was a small price
to pay for liberty.
D) Federalists desired to have a stronger alliance with Britain as a result of this violence.
Question 4
What did federal investigator Lorena Hickok fear would happen to people who were not waiting patiently for improvements during the Great Depression when she stated that I still feel that vast numbers of unemployedare right on the edge'
so to speak? A) They would be instrumental in overthrowing the federal government.
B) They would be homeless and live on the streets.
C) They would join the Communist Party.
D) They would resort to committing crimes that would overflow jails.
Question 5
What made Virginia City, Nevada, a boomtown in the 1870s?
A) the influx of Texas cattle brought on the Long Drives
B) the discovery of the Big Bonanza, the largest silver vein ever found
C) the arrival of the Central Pacific Railroad from California
D) the allocation of public lands through the Homestead Act