Question 1
Textile workers demanded ________ during the 1919 strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts.
A) a 48-hour work week
B) safer working conditions
C) an increase in the age of retirement
D) better pay
Question 2
What was the general feeling of African-Americans who fought in World War I after the war was over?
A) They were eager to return to their former way of life.
B) They resented the Native Americans who stepped into the jobs vacated by the African-Americans.
C) They were concerned about the prevailing rigid segregation still found in the United States.
D) They did not agree with the terms of the armistice.
Question 3
In contrast to Roosevelt and Taft, Wilson's approach to foreign policy before World War I:
A) was more pragmatic and cautious.
B) combined moralism with belief in American economic power.
C) focused on Asia rather than Latin America.
D) treated Latin American nations as equals rather than inferiors.
Question 4
Whose diplomacy was based on the principle of the big stick?
A) Woodrow Wilson
B) Theodore Roosevelt
C) William Howard Taft
D) Warren G. Harding
Question 5
In its final form, the Treaty of Versailles:
A) closely followed the Fourteen Points.
B) showed European acceptance of Wilsonian idealism.
C) was harsh and unfair and did little to solve the war's issues.
D) let Germany off far too easily.
Question 6
The Supreme Court responded to the Espionage and Sedition Acts with a series of decisions:
A) upholding convictions of suspected radicals.
B) finding all suppression of free speech unconstitutional.
C) permitting prosecution of aliens but not U.S. citizens.
D) freeing all the victims of the Red Scare from prison.