Answer 1
Answer: The ideal answer should include:
1. NSC-68 argued for a long-term buildup of the military.
2. NSC-68 also argued that the Soviet Union had to be contained.
3. The policy of containment as a whole argued for containing the Soviet Union through a variety of ways: politically, economically, and, if necessary, militarily.
4. When the Korean War started, the United States thought the Soviet Union was behind it, and acted accordingly.
5. The United States was successful in the long term as the Soviet Union was contained and ultimately defeated.
Answer 2
Answer: The ideal answer should include:
1. Truman won because he was able to ride the moderate center between the left-leaning American Progressive Party, the Dixiecrats, and the Republicans.
2. In addition, the Republican Congress had become complacent, which worked in Truman's favor.
3. Dewey didn't connect with the American people and stopped campaigning as he assumed the election was won.
4. In contrast, Truman worked hard to connect with the public, especially through his whistlestop campaign. In this way, he brought the campaign home to average Americans.
5. Truman and the Democrats also benefited from voters who hoped to retain the gains of the New Deal.
Answer 3
Answer: The ideal answer should include:
1. Truman's issuing of Executive Order 9835, initiating a loyalty program for federal employees, increased fear of an internal Communist threat.
2. Truman's Justice Department indicted the leaders of the American Communist Party under the Alien Registration Act of 1940. Eleven men and women were convicted in 1949 of conspiring to advocate the violent overthrow of the U. S. government through their speech and publications.
3. The Democrats' overall increase of Cold War fears also increased the fear of an internal communist threat.
4. The Republicans used anti-communism as a political tactic in the 1952 election.
5. Joseph McCarthy, a Republican from Wisconsin, rose to prominence by latching onto the issue of Communist subversion.
6. The Republicans used McCarthy's charges for political gain, which increased fear as well.
7. The Republicans picked Richard Nixon, who gained notoriety for his anti-Communist efforts, as Eisenhower's vice presidential candidate in 1952.
Answer 4
Answer: D
Answer 5
Answer: B