Approximately one in four people diagnosed with diabetes will develop foot problems. Of these, about one-third will require lower extremity amputation.
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The highest suicide rate in the United States is among people ages 65 years and older. Almost 15% of people in this age group commit suicide every year.
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The average adult has about 21 square feet of skin.
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Blood in the urine can be a sign of a kidney stone, glomerulonephritis, or other kidney problems.
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The human body produces and destroys 15 million blood cells every second.
Fibroid tumors, or leiomyomas. Fibroids develop from the uterus to form a variety of hard, round ben
Round-Lobed Hepatica
A plant grown from a [round, yellow] seed is crossed with a plant grown from a [
A 6-point socket fits the head of a bolt or nut on all sides. A 12-point socket can round off the ...
Red blood cells with normal hemoglobin, like the three similar ones, are smooth and round