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Author Question: In the following summary of a statistical report, tell what crucial information is missing and what ... (Read 66361 times)


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In the following summary of a statistical report, tell what crucial information is missing and what more you would want to know before you acted on the report.
A popular newspaper headline reported that "Idaho Feels Carb Crisis as Potatoes Lose Appeal," and the accompanying graph showed that while 150 million potatoes were exported from Idaho in 1990, only 75 million potatoes were exported from Idaho in 2007.
◦ The article suggests that the state of Idaho is having a crisis, so some change is having a dramatic effect, but no information is given about any such change.
◦ The headline makes a reference to the popular anti-carb diet, but the statistics provide no information about the number of people on the diet during the given years.

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Marked as best answer by jon_i on Jan 18, 2020


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