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Author Question: ____ means that the woman has begun the birth process but the process is taking longer than normal. (Read 119 times)


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Question 1

____ is/are responsible for the discomfort and pain associated with the labor birth process stage of labor.
◦ Increased blood pressure
◦ Low blood sugar
◦ Muscular contractions
◦ Increased adrenaline

Question 2

____ means that the woman has begun the birth process but the process is taking longer than normal.
◦ Cesarean section
◦ Breech presentation
◦ Failure to progress
◦ Nonorganic failure to thrive

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Marked as best answer by Mr3Hunna on Jun 26, 2020


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Lorsum iprem. Lorsus sur ipci. Lorsem sur iprem. Lorsum sur ipdi, lorsem sur ipci. Lorsum sur iprium, valum sur ipci et, vala sur ipci. Lorsem sur ipci, lorsa sur iprem. Valus sur ipdi. Lorsus sur iprium nunc, valem sur iprium. Valem sur ipdi. Lorsa sur iprium. Lorsum sur iprium. Valem sur ipdi. Vala sur ipdi nunc, valem sur ipdi, valum sur ipdi, lorsem sur ipdi, vala sur ipdi. Valem sur iprem nunc, lorsa sur iprium. Valum sur ipdi et, lorsus sur ipci. Valem sur iprem. Valem sur ipci. Lorsa sur iprium. Lorsem sur ipci, valus sur iprem. Lorsem sur iprem nunc, valus sur iprium.
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Only 47% of students answer this correctly


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Reply 2 on: Jun 26, 2020
YES! Correct, THANKS for helping me on my review


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