Use the following information for the question(s) that follow.
Anya Kuertan, an eighth-grade American history teacher, teaches a week-long unit on the American Civil War. She emphasizes the relationships between the fact that the North was industrial, whereas the South was more agricultural, and the geography of the two parts of the country. She also relates theses factors to the causes of the war, the relative advantages of the North and the South, and the war's outcomes.
Anya is animated in her discussions of the topic and her own interest in it is obvious. She also emphasizes that all the students have a right to express their opinions and conclusions about the topic as they study it.
As she reflects on her unit she concludes, "The next time I teach it, I need to put more emphasis on the human sides of the issues, slavery and racism, the suffering of the people in the North and the South, and the bitterness that was left in the wake of the war."
Which of the following best describes Anya's emphasis on the relationships between industry, agriculture, geography and the causes and outcomes of the war?
◦ They make up the explicit curriculum.
◦ They make up the implicit curriculum.
◦ They make up the focused curriculum.
◦ They make up the null curriculum.