Use the following vignette for the question(s) that follow.
Jason, Christie, Damon, and Carol are walking across the campus as they head toward one of their teacher-preparation courses.
"Where are you going?" Jason asks Damon, as Damon turns off and heads away from the other three.
"I'm not going today," Damon shrugs. "I don't see how this stuff is going to help me be a better teacher, and I don't think Wilburn (the professor in the course) will miss me anyway. I asked Wilburn how this stuff was relevant, but he didn't seem to have that great an answer."
"What about your homework?" Carol wondered.
"I didn't finish it," Jason continued. "I'll slip it under his door. He doesn't count off for late work anyway."
"Dr. Wilburn?" Carol asked just as class was beginning. "You said last time that Progressivism essentially disappeared by the mid 20th century, but awhile back we learned that hands-on activities are one characteristic of Progressivism, and most of our other instructors emphasize hands-on activities. Those two ideas don't seem to be consistent."
"That's an excellent observation, Carol," Dr. Wilburn nodded. "What does anyone else think about her comment?"
"How do you think Wilburn liked your comment?" Jason asked Carol after class.
"I don't think he minded," she replied. "He actually seemed to like it. By the way, why don't you two speak up," Carol encouraged looking at both Jason and Christie. You both get better grades on the tests than I do."
"B pluses instead of B's," Christie waved. "Big deal. I go in a see Wilburn quite a bit. I like to tell him what a great teacher his is. He just smiles when I say it."
"You got an A didn't you?" Carol asked Jason.
"Yeah," Jason smiled. "I studied my butt off for the test, because I had missed a couple classes earlier in the semester."
"I never miss class," Carol nodded. "I always feel a little lost about what's going on if I'm not there."
The student most likely to develop the best professional reputation is likely to be:
◦ Jason, because he gets the best grades of the four students.
◦ Christie, because she seems to have to best personal relationship with Dr. Wilburn.
◦ Damon, because he thinks the most critically about the worth of the class.
◦ Carol, because she is the most conscientious and involved in the class.