Search results for: american with disabilities act

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......  2  __________ is NOT one of the categories of disabilities used by the American Community Survey.    a.  ......

......  d. all of the above are required  Question 2  The act of Congress that requires employers to pay men  ............  work is called ________.    A) The Equal Pay Act  B) The Work Compensation Act  C) The Equal  ............  Act  D) The American With Disabilities Act  E) The  ......

...... : Each state must provide personalized instruction with sufficient support services to permit a child  ............  disabilities to benefit educationally from that instruction.  ............  to Question 2  ANSWER: Latino students, African American students, Lesbian/Gay students. Pregnancy, school  ......

...... .  Isolate discrimination is harmful action intentionally taken by a dominant  group  ............  group. This type of  discrimination occurs without the support of other members of the  dominant  ............  judge may give harsher sentences to all African  American defendants but may not be supported by the  ............  system in  that action. Small-group discrimination is harmful action  ............  white students may  deface a professor's office with racist epithets without the support of  other  ............  prescribed or community-prescribed action that  intentionally has a differential and  ............  impact on members of  subordinate groups. These actions  ............  institutionalized  discrimination refers to practices that have a harmful impact on  subordinate  ............ -prescribed norms or regulation guiding these actions were  initially established with no intent or  ............  extra educational  opportunities for children with various types of disabilities......

......  to Question 1  American Association on Intellectual and Developmental  ............ , American Network of Community Options and Resources, The  ......

......  to Question 1  American Association on Intellectual and Developmental  ......

......  of minority populations (particularly African American and Hispanic) and immigrants are unable to  ............  have limited health care experience, may struggle with the complexity of health care terminology and  ............ . Older adults have particular problems with medical issues when they must assimilate new  ............  attainment, the nurse must explore a patient's disabilities and the effects they may have on achieving  ............  goals. Successful accommodation of a patient's disabilities should yield attainable goals that lead to  ............  to Question 2  ANS: A The nurse creates goals with the patient and possibly with the family by  ............  to which the patient wants to progress, and the actions the patient and nurse undertake to accomplish  ............  to developing reasonable goals and interventions. Without the nurse's guidance during this step, the  ............  for the patient to achieve. The nurse works with the patient to develop a plan of care that is  ......

......  to Question 1  The Equal Pay Act of 1963 is considered by many to be the starting  ............  as an amendment  to the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act. The amendment requires that men and women in an   ............  lawsuits today.   Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 continued to emphasize equality in  ............  policies.  The law applies to all employers with 15 or more employees. Title VII prohibits  ............ .   The Age Discrimination in Employment Act was passed in 1967 . This law prohibits employers  ............  of age against 40 years old or older. This law impacts all  employers of 20 or more employees and all  ............  with 25 or more members.   The Vocational  ............  Act was enacted in 1973 and bars discrimination  ............   otherwise qualified people with disabilities.   The Pregnancy Discrimination Act  ............  enacted in 1978 and prohibits discrimination against   ............  women.   The American with Disabilities Act was enacted in 1990 .  ............  this Act was similar to the  Vocational Rehabilitation Act  ............  the terminology used is somewhat different. The  American with Disabilities Act (ADA) also has broader  ............  most  employers and the Vocational Rehabilitation Act applied on to federal contractors and sub-  ............  prohibits workplace discrimination against people with  disabilities.  Answer to Question 2   ......

......  in 2005, the Census Bureau conducted the American Community Survey (ACS), a rolling census to  ............  sample data every year on the population characteristics formerly gathered in the long-form  ............  origin, educational attainment, veteran status, disabilities, and income. ......

......  are an important concern when working with patients or peers infected with blood-borne  ............  illnesses. A nurse will care for patients with these illnesses in every segment of nursing  ............  of care when caring for all patients. The 1995 American Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to persons with  ......

......  panethnicity but also because Black people, along with Latinos and sympathetic Whites, join in the  ............  of such legislation as the Age Discrimination Act or the Americans with Disabilities Act marks the  ............ .   Resistance efforts may begin through small actions. For example, residents of a reservation  ............  to further investigations of the extent to which American Indian lands are used disproportionately as  ............  areas for dangerous materials. This action in turn leads to a broader investigation of  ......

......  1. So when one identical twin has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, the other is 50 times more likely  ............  the average to also be diagnosed with schizophrenia. This suggests a causal influence  ............ -that it does not exist. Szasz's theory is interactional; it focuses on the processes of everyday  ............  interaction and the effects of labeling on people.  ............  with the assumption that the term mental illness  ............  of emotional/behavioral disorders:  1. Personal disabilities, such as excessive anxiety, depression, fears,  ............  feelings of inadequacy. Another term for personal disabilities is unwanted emotions. Szasz says these so-called  ............  that thinking and feeling are considered mental activities), but they are not diseases.  2.  ............  acts, such as bizarre homicides and other social  ............  to be in this category but was removed from the American Psychiatric Association's list of mental  ............  in 1974. Szasz says such antisocial acts are only social deviations; they are neither  ............  nor diseases.  3. Deterioration of the brain with associated personality changes. This category  ............ , parent-child relationship difficulties, hyperactivity, unusual or bizarre behavior, aggressiveness, ............  aggression turned inward, from certain physical factors such as menopause, from feelings of inadequacy  ............  of loneliness or isolation. One of every five Americans (age 18 and older) experiences some form of  ......

......  to Question 1  A diagnosis of intellectual disabilities involves substantial intellectual deficits ( ............  on a range of IQ scores. Individuals diagnosed with a mild intellectual disability have an IQ in the  ............ -70 range. Mild intellectual disability is characterized by some affected daily living and social  ............  skills. These individuals may need assistance with job skills or independent living yet they may  ............  children. Moderate intellectual disability falls within the range of 35-49 . Individuals in the  ............  disability ranges from 20-34, and individuals within this range may recognize familiar people, have  ............  20 . Social and vocational skills vary widely within these categories. Interestingly, the American  ............  on Intellectual Disabilities no longer uses IQ scores to subdivide forms of  ............  disabilities. They focus on the individuality and humanity of  ............  with intellectual disabilities, and emphasize the need  ............ .  Eighty percent of cases of intellectual disabilities have no clear cause. Genetic factors contribute  ............  intellectual disabilities through genetic variations and genetic  ............ . Genetic abnormalities associated with intellectual disability include Down syndrome, a  ............  . There are other genetic causes of intellectual disabilities such as fragile X syndrome. Nongenetic biological  ............  account for other cases of intellectual disabilities. For example, when mothers drink heavily during  ............ , they can give birth to a child with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), a condition that  ............ , or postnatal biological causes of intellectual disabilities. In some cases, environmental causes such as  ............  positive influence on the development of children with intellectual disabilities.  Answer to Question 2   ............  disorder. These conditions are associated with symptoms that are socially disturbing and  ............ , academic or vocational functioning.  ODD is characterized by a pattern of hostile, negativistic  ............  these children, and they may engage in spiteful actions, but they usually do not break the law or act  ............  or viciously toward others. CDs are characterized by just this kind of behavior. Children  ............ , bullying, lying, destroying property, or acting cruelly toward animals or small children.   ............  disorders, as disruptive behavior is associated with harsh or inconsistent discipline, peer or  ............  disorders. Depression frequently co-exists with ODD. ODD often precedes the development of  ............  disorders, and ODD and CD tend to co-occur with ADHD. ......

......  and school shootings  bullying and student disabilities  bullying and race    Answer to Question 2  The  ............  by 1850 nearly all of the northern states had enacted laws mandating free education.  During most of  ............  brutal disciplinary methods.  Widespread dissatisfaction with the schools at the turn of the twentieth  ............  was a pivotal event in the history of American education.  In the 1960s, the concept of the open  ......
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