Answer to Question 1
When broiling, you can use an oil or butter coating to obtain a flavorful, colorful, crisp fish even if it is naturally lean. However, extended cooking time will leave the fish dry and tough. Lean fish is a delicate food suitable for poaching; this cooking method can protect the delicate flesh of fish. A whole, drawn, or dressed fish can be wrapped in cheese cloth before poaching to hold it together. Fatty fish can be poached, but lean fish are more suitable for poaching. When poaching, boiling the water can cause flavor loss and toughen the fish. Also, a well seasoned liquid is important. Poaching liquid can be used as a sauce. Microwave preparation is an appropriate method for fish, but you must be careful not to overcook the fish. Microwaved fish can taste tough and dry, but the fish can be defrosted and cooked simultaneously.
Answer to Question 2
Whole or round fish - body entirely intact; drawn fish - whole fish with entrails removed; dressed fish - head, tail, fins, scales, and entrails removed; steaks - cut from dressed fish by slicing from top to bottom fin at 90 degree angle; fillets - fish sliced lengthwise from front to back to avoid the bones.