Did you know?

Egg cells are about the size of a grain of sand. They are formed inside of a female's ovaries before she is even born.

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Automated pill dispensing systems have alarms to alert patients when the correct dosing time has arrived. Most systems work with many varieties of medications, so patients who are taking a variety of drugs can still be in control of their dose regimen.

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Chronic necrotizing aspergillosis has a slowly progressive process that, unlike invasive aspergillosis, does not spread to other organ systems or the blood vessels. It most often affects middle-aged and elderly individuals, spreading to surrounding tissue in the lungs. The disease often does not respond to conventionally successful treatments, and requires individualized therapies in order to keep it from becoming life-threatening.

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Blood in the urine can be a sign of a kidney stone, glomerulonephritis, or other kidney problems.

Did you know?

Most childhood vaccines are 90–99% effective in preventing disease. Side effects are rarely serious.

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