Answer to Question 1
People who frequently complain, yet reject help or suggestions when offered, tend to have histories of severe deprivation as children, often accompanied by neglect or abuse. The other comments reflect dynamics other than the help-rejecting complainer, such as the monopolizer who apologizes for talking too much, the person who is insightful and agrees to try a peer's suggestion, and the demoralizing member.
Answer to Question 2
The member's comments demean the group and its members and suggest that the member is very angry. Labeling the emotion and conveying empathy would be therapeutic. Focusing on members who are likely to be more positive can balance the influence of demoralizing members. You seem to know a lot conveys hostility from the leader, who confronts and challenges the member to explain how he came to be readmitted if he was so knowledgeable, implying that he is less knowledgeable than he claims. This comment suggests countertransference and is non-therapeutic. Shifting away from the complaining member to see if others agree seeks to have others express disagreement with this member, but that might not happen. In the face of his anger, they might be quiet or afraid to oppose him, or they could respond in kind by expressing hostility themselves. A rule that only positive exchanges are permitted would suppress conflict, reducing the effectiveness of the therapy group.