Author Question: A group is in the working phase, and one member states, That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. ... (Read 53 times)


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A group is in the working phase, and one member states, That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I have never been in a group like this.
  Everyone is just whining and telling everyone else what to do when they have no clue, and people just sit there and take it. This is a waste of time.. Which response by the group leader would be most therapeutic? a. You seem to think you know a lot already; since you know so much, perhaps you can tell us why you are back in the hospital?
  b. I think you have made your views clear, but I wonder if others feel the same way. How does everyone else feel about the group?
  c. It must be hard to be so angry. Perhaps the group can be of help. Mary, you were angry at first but not now; what has helped you?
  d. I'd like to remind you that one of our group rules is that everyone is to offer only positive responses to the comments of others..

Question 2

The client relies on deceit and manipulation to get his own way. He seems to have a complete lack of conscience. His goal is always self-gratification at the other person's expense. He is referred to as:
  a. A nerd
  b. A psychotic
  c. A psychopath
  d. Narcissistic


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Answer to Question 1

The member's comments demean the group and its members and suggest that the member is very angry. Labeling the emotion and conveying empathy would be therapeutic. Focusing on members who are likely to be more positive can balance the influence of demoralizing members. You seem to know a lot conveys hostility form the leader, who confronts and challenges the member to explain how he came to be readmitted if he was so knowledgeable, implying that he is less knowledgeable than he claims. This suggests countertransference and would be nontherapeutic. Shifting away from the complaining member to see if others agree seeks to have others express disagreement with this member, but that might not happen. In the face of his anger, they might be quiet or afraid to oppose him, or they could respond in kind by expressing hostility themselves. A rule that only positive exchanges are permitted would suppress conflict, reducing the effectiveness of the therapy group.

Answer to Question 2

The hallmark of psychopaths (sociopaths) is a lack of conscience. Psychopaths use charm, manipulation, intimidation, and violence to control others and satisfy their own selfish needs.

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