Answer to Question 1
Answer: Descriptive methods are procedures for measuring or recording behaviors, thoughts, and feelings in their natural state. Naturalistic observation involves recording everyday behaviors as they unfold in their natural settings. Advantages to naturalistic observation include the ability to observe spontaneous behaviors and the fact that it does not rely on a person's ability to report on his/her own experiences. Disadvantages to naturalistic observation are that the researcher may interfere with ongoing behavior, that some interesting behaviors are hard to observe because they are rare, the possibility of researcher bias, and that they may be time consuming. Surveys are techniques in which the researcher asks people to report on their beliefs, feelings, or behaviors. The primary advantage of surveys is that they allow for the study of difficult-to-observe behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. Disadvantages of the survey approach are that the participants may not be representative of the appropriate population and that they may be untruthful or biased in their self-reports.
Answer to Question 2