Answer to Question 1
Correct Answer: 4
The nurse carries the client's MARs (medication administration records) for any client receiving medications on the medication cart, and records medications as they are administered. Waiting to document medications can lead to medication errors, and waiting until the end of the shift is an invitation to forget what PRN medications were administered and when the medications were administered.
Answer to Question 2
Correct Answer: 1,2,3
Keeping the suppository in the refrigerator keeps it firm and makes insertion easier than if the suppository is slippery and melting. The suppository and the index finger should be lubricated to ease insertion and prevent tissue damage or trauma. Older clients should be instructed to take a deep breath through the mouth, but it is unlikely a toddler-age client would be developmentally able to cooperate. The suppository is inserted 10 cm on an adult, but would not be inserted that far for a toddler-age client.