Answer to Question 1
The combination of signs is strongly suggestive of hydrocephalus. SIADH would not present in this way. The child would have decreased urination, hypertension, weight gain, fluid retention, hyponatremia, and increased urine specific gravity. The manifestations of cerebral palsy vary but may include persistence of primitive reflexes, delayed gross motor development, and lack of progression through developmental milestones. Reye's syndrome is associated with an antecedent viral infection with symptoms of malaise, nausea, and vomiting. Progressive neurological deterioration occurs.
Answer to Question 2
Toddlers lack the manual dexterity to remove plaque adequately, so parents must assume this responsibility. Deciduous teeth are important because they maintain spacing and play an important role in the growth and development of the jaws and face and in speech development. Secondary teeth erupt at about 6 years of age. If the family does not live in an area in which fluoride is included in the water supply, fluoride supplements should be continued.